Associate Enrolment

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Enjoy Your Free Trial


Get immediate access to all our premium features for 7 days at no cost. Confirm your agreement so we can send you payment link after 7 days.

Talk to Lawyer:

Connect to a dedicated law firm to meet all legal needs. Call them any time you need a service, from a simple question to a complex issue.


No Worries About Unauthorized Payments:

We don’t take any money without your permission. You will receive an email with the exact amount and date of each transaction.

Automatic Subscription

Subscription Permission:

After the 7-day trial, we will ask your permission to activate the monthly subscription. You need to approve each Subscription or individual payment.

We don’t take any money without your permission. You will receive an email with the exact amount and date of each transaction.

You have The Control

Billed Monthly on the 25th:

Once your 7 days free trial completes, we will pro-rate the balance of this month at £1.20/day. Then, your monthly payment of £36 will be debited on the 25th of each month to cover the following month.

One Click Cancellation

Cancel Anytime: You can cancel your subscription at any time, and you won’t be billed for the next month.

Use All Features

Explore Our Services:

Make the most of your 7-day trial by exploring all our services.


    Need Legal Advice But Legal Bill Seems High?

    Get Legal Protection Plan

    Best Way to Save on Legal Fees

    Your Best Legal

    One Plan & Multiple Benefits

    • Unlimited Legal Consultation
    • Family Legal Protection
    • Free Identity Theft Protection
    • Free Will & Power of Attorney
    • Member Perks & Discounts
    • £49 Associate Fee is Waived

    Its not just legal expenses insurance, its LEGAL PROTECTION.

    Enroll Today
    Legal Protection Plan Membership

    Let Your Legal Plan Pay Your Legal Fees

    Family Legal Protection Plan (from less than £1/day)

    Get Your Legal Freedom

    No Retainer Fee - No Hourly Cost:

    Telephone Helpline: Speak to a lawyer on any topic, trivial or traumatic, and not worry about receiving a bill.
    Letters and Calls: A letter or call from a lawyer gets better results than a personal note from you.
    Document Review: Send your paperwork to our lawyers to review and go through them with you.
    Free Wills & Power of Attorney: Your ‘Last Love Letter to Your Family’. Wills, and Powers of Attorney, are provided for up to two adults at no additional cost.
    Online Documents Library: Download hundreds of sample documents, agreements and other letters.
    Free Identity Theft Protection: Identity Theft Protection included for Primary Member at no additional cost.
    25 - 50% Discount: You will receive a 25 - 50% discount on any additional services.
    Legal Protection Plan

    Legal Plan FAQs

    How does the “Your Best Legal” plan membership process work?


    Upon submitting your enrollment request for the “Your Best Legal” plan membership, you will be directed to our secure payment portal to set up a GoCardless Direct Debit mandate. This mandate allows us to seamlessly claim funds from your designated bank account.

    Following this, we manually configure the Direct Debit schedule based on your chosen monthly or annual preference.

    Once the Direct Debit is set up, we proceed to add you to our database, process the order for your Rewards Card, and formally establish your membership, granting you access to each of the services included in the plan. As part of our commitment to providing a comprehensive experience, you will receive a Membership Guide along with a password for exclusive entry into the Members Only section.

    If you have any questions or require further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us.

    Best regards,

    Bharat Sharma

    Your Best Legal Associate

    Associate #001031

    What does legal protection plan cover?

    Our comprehensive legal protection plan is designed to cover a broad spectrum of legal disputes, providing support for individuals and families.

    Whether the need arises from issues with a supplier contract, an employment dispute, property damage, or a personal injury claim, our plan is carefully crafted to shield you from the significant costs associated with professional fees.

    The coverage includes various areas relevant to individuals and families:

    – Contracts
    – Criminal Prosecution
    – Data Protection
    – Employment
    – Family Law
    – Identity Theft Protection
    – Personal Injury
    – Property Law
    – Statutory License Protection
    – Tax Protection

    Envision facing situations where you or your family might encounter unexpected challenges—a personal injury claim, a dispute over employment rights, complexities related to property matters, family law issues such as divorce or child custody disputes, disputes involving personal privacy, or issues arising from consumer rights. These are the moments when legal uncertainties can bring added worry and stress. In these times of concern, our legal protection steps in to provide dedicated support.

    Our commitment is to stand by you, offering expert advice, and representation and covering associated expenses, ensuring you have the support you need, provided there is a reasonable prospect of success.

    It’s essential to reach out to our legal team at the outset of any dispute or legal concern to ensure optimal support tailored for you and your family.

    How much does a legal protection plan cost?

    Our membership plans are annual plans, that can be paid for on a monthly or annual basis.

    Members enroll online and opt for annual or monthly payments, based on £30/month or £36/month respectively – collected via a third-party payment processor, ‘GoCardless’.

    The first month is pro-rated and charged based £1/day for annual plans, or £1.20/day for monthly plans.

    Upon receipt of the Direct Debit Mandate, Your Best Legal creates a subscription starting on the 25th of that month for the following month, or year, as selected by the Member.

    Your Best Legal Protects Your Financial Health Too

    Identity Theft Protection (included for Primary Member)

    Identity Theft Protection Identity Theft Protection

    We Inform, We Monitor, We Notify, We Restore:

    Credit Report and Score: With monthly access to your Credit Report and Score, you can take the necessary steps to safeguard your financial reputation if you spot inaccuracies that may indicate fraud.
    Credit Alerts:Get alerted when there are any major changes to your credit report, such as a closed account, missed payment, or use of more of your available credit lines.
    Dark Web Monitoring: Dark Web Monitoring continuously searches the dark web and private forums looking for personal information and sends you notifications should it be found.
    Social Media Monitoring: We monitor your accounts on popular social media sites and notify you of suspicious activity.
    Stolen Purse or Wallet Assistance: A stolen purse or wallet could mean a stolen identity. If your wallet is stolen you can call us and our agents will guide you to cancel or replace credit cards, bank cards, driver’s licence and other cards.
    Identity Restoration Support: An Identity Restoration Specialist will help guide you through the restoration process from start to finish.

    Our Legal plan offer you expert legal guidance without paying high upfront costs.

    • Unlimited



    • Extensive



    • Complete




    Affordable Legal Help for You & Your Family

    Why you should enroll?

    Benefits of Legal Plan

    Request Your Exclusive Legal Plan Today!

    Affordable Legal Protection

    Affordable Legal Protection

    Affordable monthly or annual premiums make legal services accessible for individuals and families, offering potential savings compared to high solicitor fees for individual legal matters.

    24/7 365 Days Legal Access

    24/7 365 Days Legal Access

    24/7, 365 days a year. No need to worry about expected and unexpected legal issues that arise every day.

    Covers All Minor/Major Legal Issues

    Covers All Minor/Major Legal Issues

    Access to legal experts who can provide advice and guidance on various laws and legal issues.

    Unlimited Protection

    Unlimited Protection

    Legal designed for complete protection specializes in the area of laws about your specific legal situation.



    Hotline where you can call whenever you need legal advice and counsel.

    Save Money

    Save Money

    Compare our legal plan cost with solicitors charge between £100 and £500 an hour.

    Wide Network of Attorney

    Wide Network of Attorney

    300+ Nationwide legal experts. Our legal plan provide you qualified lawyers near you at just one call.

    Worry-Free Legal Life

    Worry-Free Legal Life

    A legal plan lets you take care of yourself and your family's future without worrying about the costs.

    Experienced Yet Affordable

    Experienced Yet Affordable

    Receive legal guidance from experienced lawyers at an affordable cost.

    Supermarket and High Street Discounts

    Member Perks and Treats

    Unlock Discounts, Rewards, and Savings on Thousands of Stores, Online and Offline, Services & Products.

    High Street Discounts
    Supermarket Discounts

    Members typically save between £50 and £250/month, both in store and online, with exclusive discounts and savings!

    A typical family spending £200/week on groceries can save £400 to over £700/year - you can more than cover the cost of Your Best Membership, just from your savings on weekly groceries!!

    Enroll Today


    Real Reviews By Real Persons.

    Worry Free Individuals & Families all over UK.

    Make legal protection affordable for everyone

    Following a dozen years marketing legal services and products in the USA and UK, Baz founded Your Best Legal to make legal protection affordable for everyone.  

    " What We Do Matters!  We're Making a Difference! And, We're Looking for Help!"


    Founder and Executive Director

    It truly resonates with so many people

    I love Your Best Legal's Mission Statement, as it truly resonates with so many people. The synergy of this team is what makes the difference!


    An affordable subscription model

    I couldn't believe it when I first heard about Your Best Legal bringing an affordable subscription model to legal services. This is exactly what I have been looking for to take my business to the next level!


    Associate Business Opportunity

    Join Our Team as an Independent Associate.

    Associate Business Opportunity

    £49 Annual Associate Fee is waived with a Paid Membership.

    Know more about business opportunity